Thursday, July 8, 2010

Family Photos

Grandpa Tom took some family photos for us last week when Elijah was 6 weeks old, the pictures turned out great! It was fun to take pictures of our little boy and try to get him to smile for them. We were only successful to catch a few smiles on camera many more were off camera.

10:31 Sermon Jams

For any of you who are not familiar with Sermon Jams, Bryan and his friend Caleb run a small ministry called 10:31 Sermon Jams. They take pastors sermons and mix them over beats like hip-hop, techno, and more. They are pretty cool to listen to and are very encouraging. Here is one of my favorites, Sermon Jams made the music part of it and mixed it and Desiring God made the video to go along with it. Enjoy!

Elijah in his Sermon Jams and 'Dont Waste Your Life' Gear

Things we have been up to....

Bryan took us to the Como Zoo over the 4th of July weekend. I think the temp was over 90 Degrees and very humid. We had a great time starting with a picnic when we got there, saw the new polar bear exibit and of course the lions here.

The weekend before we went to a friends wedding, this was Elijah's first. He did great and the wedding was beautiful. Congrats Eric and Leah!

A few weeks back Auntie Jessie and Cousins Caden and Sydney came down to see us, we went shopping at Ikea then a picnic lunch at the park. Hope to do it again soon!