Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Well.... I guess I have neglected this blog for at least 6 months. I am not sure anyone will even read this :)

So life has changed quite a bit. We have a new member added to our little family. Grace FaithAnne Guenther was born 12/22/11. She is now 2 and a half months old and time is flying! She is very sweet and a pretty laid back little lady. We all love her the pieces.

Elijah has taken well to his new rose as big brother. He loves Grace which is just amazing to see. He wants to hold her, burp her, put blankets on her etc. He is a busy little man these days. He is running around, talks up a storm he will pretty much repeat anything you say, and is becoming a little more independant. He currently loves to climb on anything that he can, play with any form of water, play outside even if he is freezing and look at books. (Especially Thomas the train).

Bryan business has grown over the last summer. He did an Angies List big deal which gave us a lot of business which was good. We are praying that all those people will come back this year. He won the "Angies List Super Service Award" from having excellent feedback and great service to his clients. I am proud of him :) So he has been home with us this winter which has been wonderful to all of us. I think he is getting ready to head out and start washing windows again pretty soon.

As for me... I am loving being a mommy of two. I am amazed how much my heart has grown in love for my family. I am sad that my maternity leave is over in two short weeks. It sure flew by.
Well there is us in a nutshell... I will try to post again in less that 6 months and maybe even some pictures :)