Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Here are some pics from the last 6 weeks. We have been busy but I have not been very good about taking pictures!

Elijah is a busy little boy these days. He is now 7 months old, he sits up, is chowing on solids, and I think crawling could be in the next month or two...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Advent Calendar

This year I finally got around to making an Advent Calendar. It was fun to make new traditions now that our family has grown a little bit, and have things that Elijah is excited to look foreward to in the Christmas Season. An Advent Calendar is a count down to Christmas. There are a lot of different things that you can do with it. Here is ours....

I went to Michael's for my supplies and decided on these little bags. I got some some glue and glitter out and had some fun glittering the numbers. I found out that I really like to glitter!! Then I punched a hole in all of the bags and tied string on them, then hung them up.

Then I put a verse in each of the bags to read each night during the month of advent. The scripture starts in the Old Testament and ends with the Birth of Christ on Christmas Eve. It shows how the entire Bible points to Jesus.